Friday, December 11, 2009

Week the Last!


I think they're definitely a valid thing to teach, and I think they can be taught, at least to a certain extent. In class we were talking today about optimism. That I think is something that has to exist in some amount first. If you're a pessimist, no amount of teaching will make you an optimist. You might be able to improve slightly, or at least hide your skepticism, but you will never become a full fledged optimist.

Most people, however, do possess at least a certain degree of each of the dispositions, and thus can improve upon them. They all seem to be valid, relevant things to teaching today, which is the most important thing. For some, all it might take is some good self-reflection and you might be able to fix a problem or improve on something. For others, study or discussion might work better. But they all seem like good things to know and work at.
